A little Mac haul

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Ok so I am using the term haul a little loosely here as technically a haul is only a haul if you hand over your hard earned cash, but this week I received some seriously wonderful Mac products that I just had to share with you immediately.

Over the coming weeks, I will be using every single product that is featured in today’s video and each will get there own individual post, but for now I wanted to bring you something that I have done before, and record a first impressions video. I love watching videos like this, so I hope it is something that you guys like.

As most of you will already know, I am something of a Mac fangirl. I mean come on, it is hard not to be. If you want to find out about some of my favourite products, you can check out my Mac posts here.

Also for those of you that have asked about the Shop and Collect service at The Loop in Dublin and Cork Airports. You can order off Theloop.ie and collect your purchases either on your way out or on your way back. If however you decided to shop on your way out of Ireland and don’t fancy hauling your purchases with you, The Loop offer a service where you can collect what you have bought on your way home. There is now no excuse not to stock up on all your favourite products while you’re in the Duty Free.

I hope you guys like this video. If this is something that you would like to see more of let me know, as I would love to know what you think

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