CACI Non Surgical Facelift at Cedars Beauty Clinic

Screen Shot 2014-08-24 at 15.17.37Who wants to grow old gracefully? I ask myself that question quite regularly. Do I want to be the someone who lets it all go in the direction nature intends it? Or do I want to be someone, that pushes back on natures steady advances? Recently while out in Cedars Beauty Clinic in Dundrum, getting the IBX treatment on my nails, myself and Suzanne, the salon owner, were discussing this very thing. Suzanne asked me had I ever tried the CACI non surgical Facelift?It was something I had never heard of, but seriously a non surgical Facelift !!! My interest levels were seriously high.

For a very long time CACI facials have been seen as a really great alternative to botox or going under the knife.While you won’t come out looking 10 years younger after one treatment,  after a course of treatments, you will see a significant reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and paperer visibly younger looking. So how does it work?

caciCACI stands for Computer Aided Cosmetology Instrument and it is a treatment designed over 20 years ago to help treat people with Bells Palsy or who had suffered a stroke. When they were using it in hospitals to treat these patients , it soon became apparent that it could lift and tightens sagging muscles and improves the skins condition. It was reeducating the muscles to do what it had done previously. It was soon brought into the beauty world to do the very same thing for ageing and sagging skin.

IMG_2721A CACI non surgical facelift works by using Microcurrent technology. This sounds like it would be sore but trust me it isn’t at all. Teeny tiny micro currents are sent to the muscles in the area being treated. These microcurrents help to plump out lines and wrinkles, sculpt the cheekbone and jaw area, and re-educate the facial muscles so that they will sit tighter and not sag. The treatment boosts the collagen in the skin and gives a much younger looking complexion.

IMG_2726Suzanne in Cedars beauty clinic, has had nearly 20 years working with CACI, as she used to work directly with the company training salons in how to use the CACI machine. She literally knows this treatment inside out and back to front. Suzanne talked me through the treatment and we decided that as this was my first treatment I would start off on a lower setting. In fact this is what happens with most clients and throughout the course of treatments the setting is increased to give the desired result.

I found this treatment to be really relaxing. Not in a facial kind of way, but it was releasing having the machine work on different areas of my face. Even though Suzanne was working my face with the CACI metal rods that discharge small electrical pulses, I was laying there loving it all. I was nervous that it would hurt, but really I didn’t feel a thing. I did get a slight metallic taste in my mouth, but that was it.

IMG_2758I got the CACI ultimate treatment, which works on all areas of the face including, under the eyes to get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin, the jowl areas to lift and tone any skin that has sagged, any areas that had wrinkles, fine lines and sagging and it finished with a masked that is full of of hyaluronic acid and collagen that give intense moisture to the skin, while at the same time it gives a soothing effect after the treatment.

IMG_2741So does the CACI non surgical facelift actually work. I actually have good muscle tone in my face thank God. I haven’t show that many signs of ageing on the skin as of yet, so for someone like me this would be a preventative treatment rather than a reaction to ageing that has already started. It is good to be preventative and not react when ageing has really kicked in. I did feel my skin was slightly tighter and the furrow lines on my forehead when I raised my eyebrows were nearly non existent. While this is not a treatment for the complexion of the skin in particular, I did feel that my skin was glowing and my makeup definitely sat better. Suzanne did tell me that due to my age, muscles tone etc I wouldn’t see that much of a wow result, but it does work. I mean it really works. There was a lady coming out of the treatment room as I arrived, and I was told she was a regular of the CACI facial. This woman looked unreal and when I was told her age bracket I nearly died. Honestly she looked 25 years younger than I thought. I know genetics plays a huge part, but seriously her face looked unreal . She just looked really well rather than the look of having work done. I was sold.

While the CACI non surgical has been around for years, it seems to be one that people are keeping secret as they don’t want to give away the trick to looking so good. There are so many celebrities that use this and JLo is such a big fan of it, she has bought her own machine. I plan on getting a course of 6 of these in the run up to the wedding . My mother has also decided that this is the treatment for her and is booking herself in for a course of 10. The reason I am only getting 6 is as I mentioned above I have good tone and not too many wrinkles, so I don’t need as much to see an improvement in my skin.

Screen Shot 2014-08-24 at 15.24.23So like anything there is a downside and for the CACI non surgical facelift it is the price. They are expensive. In Cedars beauty Clinic a course of 10 costs €660, but there are plans available so you are not paying the full whack in one go. A course of 10 can take place over 10 or 5 weeks, depending on what you choose yourself. If you are thinking about this treatment, contact Suzanne  on 01- 296 3454 and have a word with her. There is literally nothing that this woman doesn’t know about the CACI non surgical facelift.

Having learnt all about the CACI facial and seen the results on my skin and the lady in the salon, I would highly recommend this treatment. This is an ideal treatment for brides to me and mothers of the brides or groom as it will leave the skin looking youthful, reduce lines and wrinkles and leave  people asking the question” How does she look so good ?”



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