In 2013, as many of you know, I was diagnosed with cancer. It isn’t something I mention all that often on the blog. The Beautiful Truth was started as a distraction from being sick. My blog…
It has taken me a long time to sit down and try to put this story into words. There are so many reason why I have avoided writing this post. Firstly I have absolutely zero…
Bridal Beauty Preparation
Over the past several weeks, quite a number of you have sent me messages asking could I detail what beauty preparation I did in the run up to the wedding. So many people find that…
I’m not normally one for the personal posts, but considering the year I’ve had, I think that somethings are worth looking back on. Every year brings it’s own ups and downs, but this year has been…
Vote: The first and most important thing I need to say in this post is Thank you. Thank you to every single person who reads my blog, follows The Beautiful Truth on Facebook and Twitter…
I have written and deleted this post countless time this week. I have debated if I should even write this post, as so many people have been blogging about their own hard experiences, but I…
Around this time of year many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year that’s past. For me 2013 was a big year. It was a year when the unexpected happened. 2013 was the year…
So I have been stuck in the house for nearly 2 weeks recovering from my latest surgery. I was going out of my mind. So this morning when I woke up I decided that it…
Hi All, So, why another beauty blog you ask. Seriously, is the internet not already full of beauty blogs? How many times can we read about the latest mascara launch, face cream or long lasting…