My Christmas Wishlist

Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 13.45.44My family have been pestering me for the last few weeks to give them an idea of what I would like for Christmas. For the last few weeks I have been slowly whittling down my list and I decided to give you guys a peek. Picking items for your Christmas list is hard work, so hopefully this will give your guys some ideas.

Hollywood Mirror

Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 17.58.11It will come as no surprise that this Hollywood mirror from Illuminating mirrors is the very top of my Christmas list. I’ve been trying to save for this mirror for the last few weeks, but with one thing or another popping up, I haven’t been able to buy it yet. Owning this would seriously be the most amazing thing ever. While I adore my makeup storage, it is lacking a proper mirror. This would make the whole thing complete. It doesn’t come cheaply, at €280 plus whatever parcel motel charges for delivery. You can check out the full range here.

GHD Air Hair dryer

Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 19.39.06Drying my hair is one of my most hated chores. My hair dryer died a death a few weeks back and since then I have been using a dryer than doesn’t even blow hot air! When you consider the amount of hair I have, it takes a long time to dry my hair. I’ve been researching hair dryers for a few weeks now and the GHD air keeps coming out on top. It is said to dry your hair in half the time of regular dryers, while at the same time the technology leaves your hair freeze free. There are a number of GHD hair dryers on the market, but the GHD air seems to be the best of the lot. The GHD air can be bought in Peter Marks for €99.

Charlotte Tilbury Wonder Glow

Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 20.51.16The Charlotte Tilbury Wonder Glow is said to be the most perfect pre makeup skin perfector. You put it on before your makeup, and is said to give the skin the most beautiful glow, while at the same time helping with anti ageing. I’ve heard this is exactly what you need in the morning to perk up your skin. You can buy it here for €48.

Philosophy Micro delivery peel

Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 20.35.08Forget your Glamglow, the Philosophy micro Delivery Peel is hands down the greatest exfoliator for your skin. In minutes you can take your skin from looking dull and lifeless, to smooth and bright. I already own this, but I am very close to the end of my tub. As it is expensive, this would make the perfect Christmas gift. You can read a full review here and buy it here for €75.60

Charlotte Tilbury film Star bronze and glow

Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 20.54.43I’m blaming Cherry Sue that this one is on my list. I always knew that this bronzer and highlighting duo were going to be good, but when I saw sue rave about it, I knew I had to make it mine. The sculpting colour looks to be the perfect shade for carving out my non existent cheek bones and as for the highlighter, who doesn’t need a good highlighter? It does come with a heft price rage, but am I not work the €65? You can buy it from Brown Thomas Dublin or online here.

Make Up For Ever Artist Shadows

mufe eyeshadowMost of you will already know I am an enormous fan of Make Up For Ever. The quality of their products is exceptional, and I am yet to come across a product of theirs that I don’t like. Make Up For Ever have released a massive 210 shadows into their newly reformulated artist shadow collection. There are 5 different finishes to these shadows, Matte, Satin, Metallic, Iridescent, and Diamond. They have literally catered for everyone in this range. For me it is all about the Matte shadows and I can’t wait to start filling up a palette with these babies. As they aren’t being released in Ireland till the start of December, I haven’t got a price yet, but needless to say I would be a very happy bunny if there was some of these in my Christmas stocking.

Shock absorber sports bra

Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 22.03.56This is definitely not the most glamorous of presents, but with tatas the size of mine, working out is a constant struggle, as I need an industrial strength sports bra to keep them in place. In my research for the perfect sports bra, the shock absorber has come up time and time again. Since I’m doing Crossfit, I think it is time a decent bra came my way. You can buy them here for €48.50.

Course of facials

Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 13.22.56With the wedding coming up in July, getting my skin in the best condition it has ever been in, is top of my priority list. Starting in January I want to start a course of facials, as well as hopefully closer to the wedding a course of Caci facials. Beauty treatments such as the Image O2 Facial in Iconic beauty would make the ideal gift for me.



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