Save or Splurge: The Battle of the cult brow pencils

DSC_4677Brows. Love them or hate them, it is hard to deny that a good brow can make a face. Like many I have had my brow problems, starting with the barely there brow, right up to the dread scouse brow. Yes I know!! I had a run in with an the Anastasia brow genius and I didn’t win that battle.

I’ve picked up two of the much raved about brow pencils and put them to the test against each other. The cult favourite Anastasia brow wiz and the Soap and Glory Archery pencil. Many have hailed the Soap and Glory Archery pencil to be a dupe for the brow wiz and while I normally don’t buy into the whole dupe thing, but when I put these two to the test, I found it hard to find difference between the two!!

DSC_4681Packaging: When it comes to packaging both pencils are identical, to the point that when I am picking them out of my drawer, unless I look at the writing on the pencil, I can’t tell the difference. Both come with a great spoolie at one end and a roll up pencil on the other end.  Winner : When it comes to packaging I have to call it a draw.

DSC_4686Nib size: Just like with the packaging it is hard to tell these two apart. Both have a very fine sized nib, that is perfect for sculpting out your brows. If I was going to be picky, the Anastasia brow wiz is minutely smaller. Make of that what you will, but I find the smaller the nib, the more natural the brow: Winner: By a very small margin, the Anastasia Brow wiz

Texture: When it comes to texture, these two pencils are identical. I genuinely can’t tell the difference between the two. Both have a hard waxy texture that applies beautifully to the brows without any dragging. The result on the brows depends on how you apply it. You can have both a natural looking brow or if you prefer something a little more heavy duty you can achieve that look too. Winner: Draw

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 22.05.01Shade Range: This is where there is a big differene between the two products. Anastasia Beverly hills are brow specialist and it is not surprising that they have a range of 12 shades, so you’re bound to find a shade to suit your natural colouring. On the other hand the Soap and Glory Archery has a pitiful two shades. I bought the shade Hot chocolate and while it looks well, I do find it to be a little on the darker side for my colouring. While the Anastasia Beverly Hill colour soft brown, is perfect for my colouring. Winner: Anastasia Brow wiz

Price and availability: When it comes to price there is quite  bit of a difference. The Brow wiz is €18.90 on Beauty Bay and up to €25 in some salons!! Don’t get me started on the one! While the Archery pencil is €10. However the big clincher is the availability. Bar the odd salon here and there, the Brow Wiz can only be bought online, while Soap and Glory Archery can be got at most Boots. Winner: Soap and Glory Archery

Overall winner: While they are both ridiculously similar, the Anastasia Brow Wiz clinches it for me. The range of colours and the tiny nib give it a slight edge for me. In saying that, the Soap and Glory Archery is a fantastic alternative and to the not so picky eye, there really is little difference.




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