Six Month Clear Braces from My Dental: The Before and After

teeth coverI am actually so excited for today’s post. Regular readers of the blog will know that for the few months running up to my wedding, I had a mouth full of braces and I think it is finally time that I shared with you the complete before and after pictures and post because the difference in my teeth, in my smile and in my confidence has really blown my mind.

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 03.42.31At the end of November 2014 I had Six Month Clear braces applied at My Dental Clinic in Sandymount Dublin. I had toyed with the idea of braces for years, as my teeth were something the really embarrassed me. I genuinely never smiled in pictures and I often spoke with my hand covering my mouth. I had researched braces to within an inch of their life, but they were always just way out of my budget. Not only that, but I was terrified of the thoughts of a dentist yanking at my mouth for months on end.

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 03.42.56Well am I glad I took the plunge. As within 7 month of wearing the six month clear braces, I had the perfect smile. Yes I know that sounds corny, but believe me, I still can’t stop looking in the mirror in awe at the change in my teeth.

For those of you that haven’t heard of six month clear braces before, let me give you a quick run through of how they work.

teeth 1 aAs the name suggests, Six month clear braces are designed to give you a perfect smile in approximately six months. Some people take a little longer and some people don’t take as long. I had my braces on for exactly 7 Months, but it all depends on your teeth. The dentists in My Dental will be able to give you a rough idea of how long it will take at your free consultation.

What makes Six Month Clear braces so different is the brackets. Basically the way they are designed allows the teeth to move faster. The brackets on the Six Month Clear braces are clear brackets and for the most part you wouldn’t notice them. However, if you’re a red wine or coffee drinker they will stain. It isn’t the end of the world though as you get the elastic that stain on the brackets changed every few weeks.

teeth 2 aOne big worry I had when it came to braces, was the pain . To be completely honest, the first 5 days were hard going. My teeth did hurt, but once the first 5 days passed, I can promise you, I hardly noticed that the braces were there. Yes every so often a bracket would cut my gum a little, but I always had wax handy in my bag and it stopped any pain. When you get them tightened they might be a little tender the next day, but I can hand on heart tell you, I am a massive wuss and apart from the first few days, I didn’t find them painful .

teeth 3 aAfter the 7 months, the braces came off. Before taking them off, the dentist applied a very thin metal bar to the back of my teeth. This is a permanent retainer and it stops the teeth from moving. Do not get your braces removed without getting these. They are like your guarantee. It turns out that teeth have memories and want to go back into the position that they once were in. This bar will stop this happening. Do not be put off by the thoughts of a bar at the back of your teeth. It is so thin that you hardly feel it.

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 03.44.15I also got a plastic retainer to wear at night. They cost €150 for each arch, but no more than the metal bar, wearing these will keep my teeth in the perfect condition they are now. I am actually religious about my retainer. The only night I didn’t wear it since getting my braces off, was the night of the wedding.

The retainer is a little like a gum shield and while it does feel a little weird at first when you put it in, it is very comfortable to wear.

Screen Shot 2015-07-18 at 00.55.27I have researched the price of braces to within an inch of my life and My Dental are hands down the best value out there. One Arch will cost you €1700, while the two will cost €2g00. However, if you say that you heard about them on The Beautiful Truth, you will receive €100 off one arch or €200 off both. I know readers who have since gotten six month clear braces at other dentists and they were a lot more expensive than My Dental!! You can check out their full braces options and prices here.


Hand on my heart, my braces were one of the best decisions of my life. The day of the wedding, as I stood greeting people as they came out of the church, I remember thinking, “Thank God I got my teeth done”, as I was non stop smiling to the point that my cheeks hurt!!

You can contact My Dental clinic on their website and they would be more than happy to do a free consolation with you. They have very good opening hours to suit those of you that work and they are even open Saturdays.

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  • Reply
    July 30, 2015 at 10:14 am

    The difference is huge – hard to believe you can get such a difference in such a short space of time! Your teeth look fantastic! Congratulations on your wedding, you looked absolutely stunning! xx


  • Reply
    Sharon Leavy
    July 31, 2015 at 9:26 am

    I can’t get over the difference, Sinéad. Your teeth look fantastic and you looked so beautiful on your wedding day. Braces are the dream for me, since bloody Snapchat I’m even more conscious of how crooked my teeth are, hopefully one day!

  • Reply
    October 28, 2015 at 9:38 am

    Hi there

    Just a quick question on the follow up after the braces were removed. How long do you have to wear the removable retainer for? And also silly question on my part but does that wire retainer stay at the back of your teeth forever?

    Love the article
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Sinead K
      Sinead K
      October 28, 2015 at 10:46 pm

      I wear the removable retainer every night going to bed. Its harmless and not umcomftoable at all . The wire retainer is a really thin bar at the back of your teeth. I don’t even notice it and it stops the teeth moving

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