It is a rare occasion that I have more than a few minutes to do my makeup in the morning. There are a number of reasons for this, with the main one being my love for an extra few minutes in bed! No matter if you’re a mother of 3 or someone just starting college. Everyone wants to shave a few minutes off their morning routine, so that they can have those extra few precious minutes in bed. To help you save time with your routine, I have picked out my favourite products to help you claw back a few…
I’ve decided that it is about time I started a new blog series on The Beautiful Truth. For the next few weeks/months, I am going to focus on my favourite products from different brands. I will also throw in a clanger or two if there are items I am not overly fond of by a particular brand. For my first brand spotlight, I have decided to take a look at some products from Benefit cosmetics. Benefit is a brand that I have actually never featured on the blog. If I am honest, for a very long time, I thought Benefit was extremely…