Whitening at the Square

Whitening at the Square Tallaght
I am a nervous wreck writing this post. The thoughts of flashing my nashers online has my nerves absolutely rattled. My teeth are the absolute bain of my life. They are a great source of embarrassment and something you will rarely catch me flashing. My problems with my teeth began when I was in 4th class. A friend and I decided to go play “golf” in the local park. To spice up our afternoon we decided to have a competition to see who could hit the ball through the railings that surrounded  the park. This little Einstein decided to stand on the other side of the railings, to see if my friends ball came through. What an idiot I was. The ball not only came sailing through the railings, but hit me smack in the mouth. There was blood everywhere and also half my front tooth in my hand. My parents when nuts. I spent have my youth in and out of the dentist.  I have a huge cap on the front of my tooth, as well as a darker tooth that was killed in the accident. Throw in over crowding and you can see why I don’t flash my teeth that often.
When I was approached by Leonie from Whitening at the Square to come in and experience their teeth whitening system, I jumped at the chance. I am currently saving for train tracks to sort out the overcrowding problem with my teeth, and I had previously heard that a pearly white smile can mask the appearance of overcrowding. Bring it on.
Whitening at the Square is located on the 3rd floor of the Square shopping centre Tallaght. I had thought about getting the red line luas out to the Square,  as it runs right to the door, but since it was raining and I was lazy I drove out and found parking very easily. I hadn’t been in the Square in years and it was some throw back. I spent many hours of my life dragged around the shops in the Square by my mother as a child. I was actually pleasantly surprised to see that there were a number of good shops  like River Island and Debenhams there and had a lovely little wander after my treatment.
Shade Chart
When I arrived at the store I was greeted by the dental Nurse Leonie. She went through what treatment would entail and took the starting shade of my teeth. I am ashamed to say I was a shade 18 to begin with. Leonie told me that most people can expect to see a change of between 4 – 7 shades with a 1 hour treatment.
My most glamorous selfie. Led light is placed in front of the teeth.
Leonie then showed me to the treatment bed which is hidden from everyone else. The last thing I wanted was people watching me get my treatment.  Leonie began by putting an activator spray on an applicator sponge and scrubbed it over my teeth. Next up she placed a very glamorous teeth retractor in my mouth to keep my cheeks in place. Finally Leonie placed the gel all over the teeth and placed the LED light in front of my teeth for 30 minutes. I lay back on the bed and let the gel work its magic on my teeth. Mrs Brown’s boys  was playing on the large screen in front of me so I relaxed and watched that, took a few selifes as I looked hilarious and enjoyed the time to myself.
I had been worried about getting my teeth whitened, as i had heard that some of the gels that treatments like this used were damaging for the teeth. Whitening at the Square use 1% hydrogen proxide gels, which is considerably lower than other treatments that I had researched. In fact the percentage that Whitening at the Square use is Irish medical board approved and won’t damage the teeth.
products and tv to watch during treatment
After 30 minutes, I rinsed the gel off and checked my teeth out in the mirror. They had already come up a few shades, but Leonie told me I would see a real difference after the next 30 minutes. Again she applied the activator spray, retracted my cheeks and placed the gel on my teeth and I sat for another 30 minutes under the LED. By the time the timer went off, I was genuinely well and truly relaxed. It’s not often I get an hour to myself to just lay on a bed checking my phone and watching tv.
Before and after
The pictures don’t do the change in my teeth justice. I was seriously surprised by how much whiter my teeth were. Even my cap had changed colour a little. My teeth had come up 10 shades whiter. As I mentioned above most people only see a shade change of between 4-7 shades. I was chuffed with myself. All the way home I kept looking at my teeth in the mirror when I was stuck at lights. People who saw me must have thought I was nuts, grinning at myself like a manic in the mirror.
Leonie  mentioned that you can see fade back after a few weeks, so I got the home maintenance kit that included 10 treatments. In the kit was the accelerator spray, the gel, a tray and a cute little LED light. I have only used this once since the treatment a week ago and honestly my teeth are still gleaming.
One thing I was told, was that while the teeth whitening is fantastic, it is really important to go the dentist every 6 months for a clean polish
and check up. I am a disaster for going t the dentist, as they literally put the fear of god in me, but once I left the Square I booked in with my local dentist, and had a full clean and polish. My teeth really felt and looked great.
I had previously looked into other brands that used the gel and LED light system before, but they were far too expensive. An hour treatment with Whitening at the Square costs considerably less at €89 for an hour session and €49 for the top up 30 minutes session. If you mention The Beautiful truth you will get 10% a 1 hour treatment. If you have ever thought of getting your teeth whitened for an occasion, I would recommend checking whitening at the Square out. Not only does the treatment work, but it won’t break the bank either. Give them a follow on Facebook as they often have 1 day offers on.


Want to win a 1 hour teeth Whitening treatment? Click on the link here to enter 

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