Many of you will already know about the Real Techniques brush range by Samantha Chapman of Pixiwoo fame. I love Pixiwoo. Their Youtube channel is absolutely amazeballs. Like many beauty addicts, I have a good few of the Real Techniques brushes and really love them. So when I heard that they were bringing out their own version of the Beauty Blender I was more than a little bit excited. Hello flawless skin!
The best way to use the sponge is used slightly damp. When water is applied, like all sponges it grows in size. However it can get a little bit smelly if you don’t wash it with hot water, washing up liquid and olive oil about once every 2 weeks ( I know, weird, but trust me on this one). Where this sponge really shines is contouring. We all want the Kim Kardashian contoured face and this sponge really helps achieve that look.